
Sponsor Opportunities

Runtastic seeks unique ways to expand its races and reach within this active community while promoting each partner to this target audience. This will be a great opportunity to promote your business and organization to this great racing community.

We need sponsors to help put on all of our amazing races. The NEBO Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K, and 5k promotes family fun and a challenge for our seasoned runners. We would love to have you join our Runtastic and Utah running community.

We also have many vendor opportunities available at Runtastic NEBO, plus our nine other races with sponsorship opportunities throughout the year in Utah.

Email partners@runtasticevents.com if you have any questions.


Presenting $10,500





Booth at ExpoXXXX
Expo PunchcardXXXX
Flyer in Race BagXXXX
Website Logo, Link, and Description on PageXXXXX
Website Logo on Scroll BarXXXX
DJ Recognition at RaceXXXXX
Race Email w/ Sponsor Rec and LinkXXXXX
Finish Line Side BannersXXXX
Finish Chute/Fencing Banner421
Facebook Page Posts421
Instagram Page Posts2111
Facebook/Insta Story2111
Logo on Race Bib XX
Automated Audio Message Along Course (Race Joy App)2111
Market ExclusivityXX
Complimentary Race Entries642
Discount Participant Codes for Employees20%15%10%10%10%
Aid Station Sponsor & Banner (Requires Volunteers)XX
Logo on Website HeaderX
Logo on Race Shirt SleeveX
Logo on Printed Materials (Flyers, Posters, etc)X

Contact Form

Use the form below to contact us about becoming a sponsor for our event(s). Learn about advertising opportunities, partnerships, and more!

NEBO Sponsorship Form

  • Select Sponsorship Opportunity

  • $0.00
  • Contact Info