• Will the race be canceled because of the weather?

    The race will not be canceled for weather.  Thanksgiving often has snow, rain, wind, and sleet. We have a large parking garage at the finish to get out of the elements before and after the race.
  • Are the roads and trails snowplowed or de-iced?

    We do our best to keep the courses as runner-friendly as possible.  This includes snowplowing portions of the course and putting sand or salt down on potential slippery sections.  Although we do our best to make the course as safe as possible please be aware that because of winter weather the course could have ice, water, and snow on it.  Please prepare and plan accordingly and be especially careful around turns and sloped sections.

  • Can I bring pets?

    No, pets are not allowed on the course or in the start/finish areas. For your pet’s safety and the safety of all event participants, pets are prohibited.  Even if they are on a leash they pose a tripping hazard. Thanks for your cooperation and understanding.

  • How do the Runner Pace Corrals work?

    Runner Corrals help the runners organize themselves at the start line according to their anticipated pace.  Each corral has a sign next to the entrance showing the pace per mile for that corral.  The corrals are set up so that you enter the back of the corral from the side.  Just before the start of the race, the front of each corral is opened creating one large corridor to the start line.  Pace Corrals help create an even flow of runners and reduce bottlenecks along the course caused by faster runners being stuck behind slower runners. They also maximize safety by creating entrance and exit points in the corral in case of emergencies.

  • Is there a lost and found?

    If you lose an item at the race, please visit the Blue Runtastic Information Tent during the event to see if it has been turned in. Items not picked up at the event will be taken to our office. Please contact us at info@runtasticevents.com Lost items not claimed after one week will be donated.

  • When is the last day to register?

    The last day to register is the day of the race(space permitting) at the following times: 1 hour before the race start time.

  • Are strollers allowed in the race?

    Yes strollers are allowed in all of our Thankful 13 events, but we ask that you start in the back to not be a hazard to other runners.

  • What if I can’t make it to packet pick-up?

    If you can’t make packet pick-up and do not know someone who can pick it up for you, you can get it the morning of the race (up to 90 minutes before) at the blue Runtastic Info tent for a $20.00 fee. You can pay with cash, card, or digital wallet.

  • Can I do the ½ mile run if I am over 12?

    Yes, you can run with your child, however, only children 12 and under will receive a shirt and medal.

  • When is the cut off time?

    We start taking down the finish line 3 hours and 15 minutes after the start of the half marathon.

  • How do I change race categories? How do I defer races? Can I defer more than once?

    Change category or races: HERE. This is through your RunSignup Profile
    Please review the Transfer & Deferral Policies for transfer fees and deadlines.

  • Are there discounts for races?

    We offer discounts for volunteering at any of our Runtastic events. Check out our Volunteer page for more details.

    There are discounts for registering 4 or more people in the same transaction*

    There are discounts for registering for 2 or more races in the same transaction**

    *Discounts can’t be combined-if you are using a promo code, make sure you don’t register more than 3 people in one transaction, the automatic multi person discount will override promo codes.

    **Discounts can’t be combined-if you have a promo code-sign up for races separately, the auto multi race discount will override any promo codes

  • Can I volunteer at the same race I want to use my race credit for?

    No, all volunteer credit must be earned at a previous event. Check out our Volunteer page for more details.